Diocese of Albacete
Salamanca, 10. 02001 Wholesaler. Tel.: 967/ 21.44.78. Fax.: 967/ 52.23.39
Email: bishopric@diocesisalbacete.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Cyriaco Benavente Matthews
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Irene Garcia Alonso
Ecuador, 8, 2. 45004 Toledo. Tel.: 925/ 21.21.22
Diocese of Alcalá de Henares
Pza of Palace, 1 bis. 28801 Alcala of Henares (Madrid).
Tel.: 91/ 888.27.00-04. Fax.: 91/888.62.94
Email: diocese@bishopricalcala.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. John Anthony Reig Plà
Diocese of Almeria
Pza. of the Cathedral, 1. 04001 Almeria.
Tel.: 950/ 23.26.00. Fax.: 950/ 27.29.85
Email: chancellor@diocesisalmeria.es
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Adolph Gonzalez Mountains.
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Rosendo Alvarez Gaston
C/ Sunshine Coast, 36- Playmar Building 5th D- 04007 Almeria
Diocese of Astorga
Carmen Street, 4. 24700 Astorga (Lion).
Phone: 987.61.53.50. Fax.: 987/ 61.64.54.
Email: obastorga@planalfa.es
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Camilo Lawrence Churches.
Diocese of Avila
Lieutenant Arevalo Square, 5. 05001 Avila.
Tel.: 920/35.39.00. Fax.: 920/21.10.73
Email: info@obav.es
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Jesus Garcia Burillo
Diocese of Barbastro-Monsoon
Pza. Palace, 1. 22300 Barber (Huesca).
Tel.: 974/ 31.06.97. Fax.: 974/ 31.49.75.
Email: obbarbastromonzon@planalfa.es
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Alfonso Million Smiles
Diocese of Barcelona
Race of the Bisbe, 5. 08002 Barcelona.
Tel.: 93/270.10.12. Fax.: 93/270.13.06
Email: secgral@arqbcn.org
Cardinal Archbishop: Emmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Lluis Martinez Sistach
Auxiliary Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Sebastian Taltavull England
Cardinal Archbishop Emeritus: Emmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Richard Maria Charles Fat.
Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Annoying Horse Garriga
C/ Joan Güel, 200 - 08028 Barcelona
Diocese of Bilbao
Virgin of Begonia, 38. 48006 Bilbao.
Tel.: 94/466.79.79. Fax.: 94/466.79.71
Email: gotzaina@bizkeliza.org
Delegate. Social Media: komunika@bizkeliza.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Mario Iceta Gavicagogeascoa
Diocese of Burgos
Edward Martinez of the Field Street, 7. 09003 Burgos.
Tel.: 947/ 20.84.40;20.24.47. Fax.: 947/ 27.56.36
Email: arzburgos@planalfa.com
Archbishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Francis Gil Hellin
Diocese of Cadiz and Ceuta
Women's Hospital Street, 26. Dpdo. 11001 Cadiz.
Tel.: 956/ 80.70.18; 80.71.46 Fax.: 956/ 80.71.42
Email: secretaryac@bishopricofdecadizyceuta.org
Bishopric of Ceuta.
Pza. of Africa, s/n. 51001 Ceuta.
Tel.: 956/ 51.77.32; 51.14.41. Fax.: 956/ 51.32.08
Email: bishopricceuta@planalfa.es
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Raphael Zornoza Boy
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Antonio Ceballos Attention
Diocese of Calahorra and The Causeway - Logroño
Diocese of Logroño
Bishop Fidel Garcia Street, 1. 26004 Logroño (La Rioja).
Tel.: 941/ 27.00.08. Fax.: 941/ 27.10.98
Diocese of Calahorra
Pza. Cardinal Cascajares,
26500 Calahorra (The Rioja). Tel.: 941/ 13.00.98.
Email: obcalahorra@planalfa.com
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. John Joseph Omella Omella
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Ramon Bua Otero
C/ Dr. Corbal, 90.36207 Pontevedra.
Diocese of Canaries
Pza. of St. Anne, 12. 35001 The Palms.
Tel.: 928/ 31.36.00; 31.19.03. Fax.: 928/ 33.47.89
Email: info@dioceseofdecanaries.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Francis Cases Andrew.
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Ramon Echarren Ysturez
Dr. A.S. Chil, 31. 35001 The Palms of Grand Canary
Diocese of Cartagena
Pza. Cardinal Belluga, 1. 30003 Murcia.
Tel.: 968/ 22.13.71; 22.09.10. Fax.: 968/ 21.10.14
Email: chancellor@dioceseofcartagena.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Jose Manuel Lorca Plans
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Javier Azagra Labian
Louis Fonts Pagan, 7. 30003 Murcia. Tel.: 968/25.55.38
Diocese of Royal City
Knights Street, 5. 13001 Royal City.
Tel.: 926/ 25.02.50. Fax.: 926/ 25.12.58
Email: bishopric@diocesisciudadreal.es
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Anthony Angel Algora Hernando.
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Rafael Torija of the Fountain
Avda. Larks, 20. 13001. Royal City.
Diocese of City Rodrigo
Tenth Street Taravilla, 15. 37500 Rodrigo City (Salamanca).
Tel.: 923/46.08.43. Fax.: 923/ 48.04.01
Email: diocese@diocesisciudadrodrigo.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Raul Berzosa Martinez
Diocese of Córdoba
Episcopal Palace.
C/ Torrijos, 12. 14003 Cordoba.
Tel.: 957/ 49.64.74. Fax: 957/ 49.64.75
Email: bishopricofdecordoba@diocesisofdecordoba.com
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Demetrius Fernandez Gonzalez
Diocese of Korea-Cáceres
Pza. Sta. Mary, 1. 10003 Caceres.
Tel.: 927/24.40.33; 24.52.50; 24.52.54. Fax.: 927/21.40.24.
Email: obcoriacaceres@planalfa.com
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Francis Hill Keys
Diocese of Cuenca
Bishop Valero Street, 1. 16001 Basin.
Tel.: 969/ 24.19.00. Fax.: 969/24.19.01
Email: bishopcuenca@planalfa.es
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Joseph Mary Yanguas Sanz
Diocese of Getafe
Almond Street, 4. 28901 Getafe (Madrid).
Tel.: 91/ 696.17.65. Fax.: 91/683.87.62.
Email: bishopric@diocesisgetafe
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Joaquin Ma Lopez of Andújar and Canoes of the Castle
Diocese of Girona
Vi Square, 2. 17004 Girona. Tel.: 972/ 41.27.20. Fax.: 972/ 41.28.72
Email: bisbatgirona@bisbatgirona.cat
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Francesc Brown Artigas
Bishops Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Carlos Soler Lost.
C/ Mn. Pere Dausa 2- 17820 - Banyoles (Girona)
Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Jaume Camprodon Rovira.
C/ Barcelona, 49. 17002 (Girona)
Diocese of Grenada
Alonso Cano Square, s/n. 18001 Grenada.
Tel.: 958/ 21.63.23. Fax.: 958/22.97.25
Email: arzgranada@planalfa.com
Archbishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Francisco Javier Martinez Fernandez
Diocese of Guadix
St. Mary of the Fresh Air, 4. 18500 Guadix (Grenada).
Tel.: 958/ 66.08.00-04. Fax.: 958/ 66.29.19.
Email: chancellor@dioceseofguadixbaza.org
Bishop : Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Guinness Ramon Garcia Beltran
Diocese of Huelva
Avda. Manuel Siurot, 31. 21004 Huelva.
Gallbladder. 144. 21080 Strike.
Tel.: 959/ 25.21.00; 25.21.21. Fax.: 959/ 540,639
Email: chancellor@diocesisdehuelva.es
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Jose Vilaplana Blasco.
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Ignatius Nogue Carmona
C/ Avda. St. Mary's s/n.21005 Huelva
Diocese of Huesca
Pza. of the Cathedral, 8. 22002 Huesca. Gallbladder. 2. 22080 Hollow.
Tel.: 974/ 22.10.27. Fax.: 974/ 22.06.79
Email: info@dioceseofhuesca.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Julian Ruiz Martorell
Diocese of Ibiza
Peter French, 12- 2nd. 07800Ibiza.
Tel.: 971/ 31.27.74. Fax.: 971/ 31.27.76
Email: obibiza@bispadodeibiza.es
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Vincent John Secure
Diocese of Jaca
Bishop Street, 5. 22700 Jaca (Huesca).
Tel.: 974/ 36.10.17. Fax.: 974/ 35.52.80
Email: objaca@planalfa.com
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Julian Ruiz Martorell
Diocese of Jaén
Pza. of Sta. Mary, 2. 23002 Jaen.
Tel.: 953/ 23.00.36. Fax.: 953/ 23.00.39
Email: bishopric@diocesisdejaen.es
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Ramon of the Hole Lopez.
Diocese of Jerez of the Frontier
Stream Square, 50. 11403 Border Sherry (Cadiz).
Tel.: 956/ 33.88.00-04. Fax.: 956/ 33.85.61.
Email: bishopric@diocesedejerez.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Jose Mazuelos Perez
Diocese of Leon
Pza. of Rule, 7. 24003 Lion. Gallbladder. 9. 24080 Lion.
Tel.: 987/21.96.80; Fax.: 987/ 26.06.65
House of the Church. Pza. of Rule, 8. 24003 Lion. Tel.: 987/ 25.80.90
Email: obleon@planalfa
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Julian Lopez Martin
Diocese of Lleida
Bisbe Street, 1. 25002 Lleida. Gallbladder. 29. 25080 Lead.
Tel.: 973/26.86.28; 27.11.06; 26.68.69. Fax.: 973/27.29.72
Email: bisbatlleida@bisbatlleida.org
Social Media: mcs@bisbatlleida.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo Sr. D. Joan Piris Frigola.
Bishops Emeritus: Excmo. Rvdmo. Sr. D. Ramon Mesh Call.
Priestly House. C/ Holy Christ, 4. 25002 Lleida
Excmo. Rvdmo. Sr. D. Francesc Xavier Cyuranet Aymi
C/ Raco, 43370 La Palma D'Ebre (Tarragona)
Diocese of Lugo
Pza. of Sta. Mary, 1. Apdo. 12. 27080 Forest.
Tel.: 982/ 23.11.43. Fax.: 982/ 25.06.40.
Email: bishopdelugo@telefonica.net
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Alfonso Carrasco Rouco
Diocese of Madrid
Dance, 8. 28071 Madrid.
Tel.: 91/ 454.64.00. Fax.: 91/542.79.06
Email: curiamadrid@planalfa.es
Cardinal Archbishop: Emmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Antonio Maria Rouco Varela.
St. Just, 2. 28005 Madrid.
Auxiliary Bishops: Excmos. and Rvdmos. Sr.:
D. Fidel Herraz Vegas
D. Caesar Augustus Franco Martinez
D. John Anthony Martinez Road
Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Alberto Iniesta Jimenez
Apartment 163. 02080 Warehouse
Diocese of Malaga
Street Sta. Mary, 18. 29015 Malaga. Gallbladder. 31. 29071 Malaga.
Tel.: 95/222.43.83-84-85-86. Fax.: 95/222.06.86
Email: bishopric@diocesismalaga
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Jesus E. Catala Ibanez
Bishops Emeritus:
Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr.D. Ramon Buxarrais Ventura
Musician Pomegranates, 10. 52004 Melilla.
Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Antonio Golden Soto
Diocesan House of Spirituality Blessed Manuel González
Almond Passage, s/n - 29013 Malaga
Diocese of Mallorca
Church House.Seminary Street, 4. 07001 Palma de Mallorca.
Gallbladder. 26. 07080 Palm of Mallorca (Balearic Islands).
Tel.: 971/ 21.31.00. Fax.: 971/ 72.58.47
Email: bisbatmallorca@planalfa
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Jesus Murgui Soriano
Diocese of Menorca
Ca'l Bisbe, 8. 07760 Citadel (Balearic Islands).
Tel.: 971/ 38.03.43. Fax.: 971/48.07.96.
Email: bisbatmenorca@planalfa.com
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Savior Gimenez Valls
Diocese of Merida-Badajoz
Bishop S. John's Shore, 13. 06002 Badajoz.
Gallbladder. 8. 06080 Badajoz.
Tel.: 924/ 22.28.47-48. Fax.: 924/ 26.05.93
Email: cancelmeridaba@archimeridabadajoz.org
Archbishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. James Garcia Aracil
Archbishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Anthony Mount Brown
C/ Arroyo 55. House 1. 4th Floor A - 41003 Seville
Diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol
Pza. of the Cathedral, 1. 27740 Mondoñedo (Lugo).
Tel.: 982/ 52.10.06;50.70.90. Fax.: 982/ 52.11.56.
Email: vicarageral@mondoferrol.org
Ferrol (Head Offices):
Domus Ecclesiae
Miramar, s/n. 15401 Ferrol (A Corunna)
House of The Church. Gallbladder. 176. 15480 Ferrol (The Crown).
Tel.: 981/ 35.32.95-35.66.14. Fax.: 981/ 35.14.33
Bishop: Excmo and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Manuel Sanchez Monk
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Joseph Gea School
Hellenes 4082. 39 LIMITED. (Peru)
Diocese of Ourense
Progress Street, 26. 32003 Orense. Apartment 142. 32080 Ourense
Tel.: 988/ 36.61.41. Fax.: 988/ 36.61.42.
Email: orcuria@bishopricofourense.com
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Joseph Leonard Lemos Montanet
Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante
C/ Frame Oliver, 5. 03009 Alicante
Tel.: 96/520.48.22;520.49.09; 520.49.10. Fax.: 96/521.57.73
Email: bishopric@diocesan.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Rafael Palmer Ramos
Bishops Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Victory Oliver Sunday.
St. Charles Square, 5. 50001 Zaragoza
Diocese of Osma-Soria
Main Street, 52. 42300 Burgo de Osma (Soria).
Tel.: 975/ 34.09.62; 34.03.19. Fax.: 975/ 36.03.80.
Email: secretary@osma-soria.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Gerard Melgar Vicious
Diocese of Oviedo
Archbishop's Palace. Bishop's Corral, 1. 33003Oviedo.
Tel.: 98/ 520.97.28. Fax.: 98/522.79.76
Email: vicgeneral@churchofasturias.org
Archbishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Jesus Sanz Mountains
Archbishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Gabino Diaz Merchant. Tel.: 98/5
Diocesan Priestly House. St. Joseph, 5. 33003 Oviedo
Diocese of Palencia
Major Old, 22. 34005 Palencia.
Tel.: 979/ 70.69.13. Fax.: 979/ 74.53.14.
Email: bishopric@diocesispalence.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Stephen Squire Towers
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Nicholas Castellanos Franks, OSA
Box 2574. Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia).
Tel.: 00/591/322.0202 Fax.: 00/591/333.60.90
Diocese of Pamplona and Tudela
Pza. of Sta. Mary The Royal, 1. 31001 Pamplona.
Tel.: 948/ 22.74.00. Fax.: 948/ 21.04.40.
Email: chancellor@church.org
Archbishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Francisco Perez Gonzalez
Archbishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Fernando Sebastian Aguilar
Po of the Almonds , s/n. 29013 Malaga
Diocese of Plasencia
Pza. of the Cathedral. 10600 Placement (Casers).
Tel.: 927/ 41.16.12; 41.31.62. Fax.: 927/ 41.41.59
Email: secretarygeneral@dioceseofplace.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Amadeus Rodriguez Lean
Diocese of Salamanca
C/ Rosary, 18-2 37001 Salamanca.
Tel.: 923/ 12.89.00
Email: secretary@dioceseofsalamanca.com
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Carlos Lopez Hernandez
Diocese of St. Sebastian
Sleeve, 5. 20002 St. Sebastian.
Tel.: 943/ 28.50.00. Fax.: 943/28.60.03
Email: idazkaritza@elizagipuzkoa.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Joseph Ignatius Munilla Aguirre
Bishops Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr.
D. Joseph Mary Setien Alberro
Father Larroca, 12- 20001. St. Sebastian
D. John Mary Uriarte Goiricelaya
Simon Bolivar, 4-6th Left. 48010 Bilbao
Diocese of Sant Feliu de Llobregat
The Diocese.
House of the Church
35. 08980 Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Tel.: 93 632 76 30 - Fax:
Email: secretary@bisbatsantfeliu.cat
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Augustine Cortes Soriano
Diocese of Santander
Pza. Jose Eguino and Trecu, s/o. 39002 Santander. Gallbladder. 132
Tel.: 942/ 36.56.57. Fax.: 942/ 36.74.00
Email: obisant@planalfa
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Vincent Jimenez Zamora
Diocese of St. James of Compostela
Pza. of the Immaculate, 1. 15704 James of Compostela (The Corunna).
Tel.: 981/ 57.23.00. Fax.: 981/ 56.36.91
Email: archsantiago@archicompostela.org/ press.archbishopric@archicompostela.org
Archbishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Julian Ward Ward.
Diocese of Segorbe-Castellon
Episcopal Palace in Segorbe
Bishop Ahedo Square,
12400-Segorbe (Flat Castle)
Tel.964.71.02.76 Episcopal Palace in Castellon de la Plana
Episcopal Palace in Castellon de la Plana
Governor Bermudez de Castro Street, 8.- 12,003-Flat Castle
Tel. 964.22.00.66 / Fax: 964.22.58.82
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. Casimiro Lopez Crying
Diocese of Segovia
C/ Seminary, 4. 40001 Segovia.
Tel.: 921/ 46.09.63. Fax.: 921/ 46.09.64
Email: obsegovia@planalfa
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Blond Angel Castro
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Louis Gutierrez Martin
John Alvarez Mendizabal, 67.28008 Madrid.
Diocese of Seville
Pza. Virgin of the Kings, s/n. 41004 Seville.
Tel.: 95/450.55.05. Fax.: 95/450.55.06
Email: archbishop@archisevilla.org
Archbishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. John Joseph Asenjo Pilgrim
Auxiliary Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. James Gomez Sierra
Cardinal Archbishop Emeritus: Emmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Charles Friend Valley, OFM.
Burgo de Osma, 57.- 28033 Madrid
Diocese of Sigüenza-Guadalajara
Bishopric of Guadalajara
C/ Carmelite Martyrs, 2. 19001 Guadalajara
Tel.: 949/ 23.13.70. Fax.: 949/23.52.68
Email: diocese@siguenza-guadalajara.org
Bishopric of Sigüenza
c/ Jose de Villaviciosa, 7. 19250 Following (Guadalajara)
Tel.: 949/ 34.70.70. Fax.: 949/ 39.19.11
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Atilano Rodriguez Martinez
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Jose Sanchez Gonzalez.
Diocese of Solsona
Pza. of Palau, 2. 25280 Solsona (Lleida).
Tel.: 973/ 48.06.19. Fax.: 973/ 48.09.51
Email: bisbatsolsona@bisbatsolsona.cat
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Xavier Novell Rubber
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Jaume Back Cunniller.
Portalet Street, 1. 08401- Granollers (Barcelona)
Diocese of Tarazona
Episcopal Palace. Pza. Palace, 1. 50500 Tarazona (Zaragoza)
Tel.: 976/ 64.08.00; 64.09.07. Fax.: 976/ 64.30.26
Email: bishops@planalfa.es
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Eusebius Hernandez Sole, OAR
Diocese of Tarragona
Palau Beach, 2. 43003. Tarragona Tel.: 977/ Fax.: 977/ 25.18.47.
Email: archbisbat@archbisbatttarragona.cat
Social Media Delegation: mcs@arquebisbattarragona.cat
Archbishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Jaume Smoking Balcells
Diocese of Tenerife
St. Augustine, 28. 38201 The Lagoon (Tenerife) Tel.: 922/ 25.86.40. Fax.: 922/25.63.62
Email: bishopric@bishoprictenerife.es
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Bernard Alvarez Afonso
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Philip Fernandez Garcia
Mother of the Redeemer Foster Home
C/ Julian of Arms, 8. 38360 El Sauzal (Tenerife)
Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Damian Iguaçon Borau
Pza. St. Anthony, 10-7o-C. 22002 Huesca. Tel.: 974/24.40.71
Diocese of Terrassa
Vinyals Street, 47. 08221 Terrace (Barcelona)
Tel.: 93,733.71.20 - Fax: 93,733.70.95
Email: bisbatterrace@bisbatterrace.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Joseph Angel Size Meneses
Auxiliary Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Savior Christau Coll
Diocese of Teruel and Albarracin
Pza. Venerable French of Aranda, 4. 44001 Teruel.
Tel.: 978/ 61.99.50. Fax.: 978/ 61.99.51.
Email: tesecre@planalfa
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Charles Manuel Clerk Climbs
Diocese of Toledo
Palace Arch, 3. 45002 Toledo. Tel.: 925/ 22.41.00. Fax.: 925/22.26.39
Email: arztoletan@planalfa
Archbishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Braulio Rodriguez Square
Cardinal Archbishop Emeritus: Emmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Francisco Alvarez Martinez.
Bishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Joaquin Carmel Borobia Isasa.
Palace Square, 3 - 45002 Toledo
Diocese of Tortosa
Slaughterhouse, 5. Gallbladder. 16. 43080 Tortosa (Tarragona).
Tel.: 977/44.07.00. Fax.: 977/44.03.78
Email: bisbattortosa@planalfa.es
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo Sr. D. Javier Salinas Vinegar.
Diocese of Tui-Vigo
Dr. A.S. Corbal, 90. 36207 Vine. Tel.: 986/ 37.51.53. Fax.: 986/37.17.30
Email: bishopric@diocesetuivigo.org
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Louis Quinteiro Fuse
Bishops Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr.
D. Joseph Matter Matter.
C/ Dr. Corbal, 90. 36207 Vigo (Pontevedra)
D. Jose Diego Reboredo. SIN. 15886 Caheiras Teo (The Crown)
Diocese of Urgell
Party of Palau, 1-5 25700 The Seu d'Urgell (Lleida).
Tel.: 973/ 35.00.54. Fax.: 973/ 35.22.30.
Email: bisbaturgell@planalfa.es
Archbishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Joan Henry Lives Sicily.
Diocese of Valencia
Palau, 2. 46003 Valencia. Tel.: 96/ 382.97.00. Fax.: 96/391.81.20
Email: archivalence@archivalry.org
Archbishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D.Carlos Bear Saw
Auxiliary Bishops: Excms. and Rvdms. Sr.D. Henry Benavent Vidal
Diocese of Valladolid
St. John of God, 5. 47003 Valladolid. Tel.: 983/21.79.29. Fax.: 983/ 21.79.30
Email: iev@archivalladolid.org
Archbishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Ricardo Blazquez Perez
Archbishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Joseph Delicate Baeza.
Joanna Play Road, 1. 47008 Valladolid
Diocese of Vic
Sta. Mary, 1. 08500 Vic (Barcelona).
Tel.: 93/ 883.26.55. Fax.: 93/89.43.89
Email: bisbatdevic@bisbatvic.com
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. D. Rome Casanova Casanova
Diocese of Vitoria
Vincent Goicoechea, 7. 01008 Victory. Tel.: 945/ 14.81.71. Fax.: 945/14.58.37
Email: obvitori@arrakis
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Michael Jose Asurmendi Aramendi
Diocese of Zamora
Bishop's Gate, 2. 49001 Zamora..
Tel.: 980/ 53.18.02; 53.37.70. Fax.: 980/ 50.90.82
Email: obzamora@planalfa.es
Bishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Gregory Martinez Sacristan
Diocese of Zaragoza
Pza. of the Seo, 5. 50001 Zaragoza. Tel.: 976/ 39.48.00. Fax.: 976/ 20.41.73
Email: archbishop@archbishopofzaragoza.org
Archbishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Manuel Urena Shepherd
Archbishop Emeritus: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Elias Yanes Alvarez
C/ Round HIspanity, 10. 50009 Zaragoza.
Castrense Archdiocese of Spain
Nuncio, 13. 28005 Madrid.
Tel.: 91/365.36.54; 366.82.28; 365.82.71. Fax.: 91/366.82.25
Email: arcastrense@oc.mde.es
Archbishop: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. John of the Martin River
Cardinal and Archbishop Emeritus military: Excmo. and Rvdmo. Sr. D. Joseph Manuel Steppe Llaurens.
C/ Gustave Fernandez Balbuena, 40, portal 3 - 6th. 28002 Madrid.