Holy Week in Cangas 2018
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Holy Week in Cangas 2018

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Holy Week in Cangas 2018

In Brabander, your shop for Easter items , today we review the processions and events that will take place during Holy Week in Cangas do Morrazo 2018.

The town of Cangues has a Holy Week declared of Galician Tourist Interest. It is the most important Holy Week celebration in the province of Pontevedra.

The organizers of Holy Week in Cangas, like the Brotherhood Boards of Holy Week in Lugo and Holy Week in Mondoñedo , are trying to achieve the distinction of Holy Week of National Tourist Interest. Previous step to achieve the highest distinction, Holy Week of International Tourist Interest, which, in Galicia, has already reached Holy Week in Viveiro and Holy Week in Ferrol .

Holy Week in Cangas 2018, Friday of Sorrows acts

Holy Week in Cangas begins on the Friday before Palm Sunday, Friday of Sorrows or Friday of Passion. On this day, declared a local holiday in Cangas, the town of Cangas celebrates the festivity of the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows with numerous acts.

The celebration culminates with the procession of the image of the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows that runs through the streets of Cangas.

Holy Week in Cangas 2018, acts and procession on Palm Sunday

Celebration of a mass at 09:00.

At 11:00, procession of the Paso de la Borriquilla accompanied by the Cofrades Drums.

Blessing of the branches and palms will take place at 11:30 am in the gardens of J. Félix Soage. Then, procession to the Church and at 12:00 noon, solemn mass.

At 6:00 p.m. Via Crucis infantil departing from the ExCollegiate Church of Santiago de Cangas. The Via Crucis will go to the Cruceiro de Singulis and will include representations of the main moments of the Passion of Christ.

Rosary and mass at 8:00 p.m.

Holy Week in Cangas 2018, acts and procession of Holy Wednesday

At 7:30 p.m., rosary and mass to the Soledad de María sung by the San Andrés do Hío Parish Choir.

At the end of the mass, a procession of the Paso de la Soledad de María accompanied by the Cofrades Drums , which will travel through the main streets of Cangas. Floral offering to the Virgen de la Soledad in the Plaza del Señal.

Holy Week in Cangas 2018, Holy Thursday acts and procession

At 6:00 p.m., the Mass of the Lord's Supper, the Washing of Feet and the transfer of the Blessed Sacrament to the Monument will take place in the parish church .

At 20:00 the Procession of the Passage of the Holy Supper will start accompanied by the Fine Arts Music Band of Cangas , the Cofrades Drums and the Legio Berobreo Roman Brotherhood Association.

At midnight, the Holy Hour, nocturnal adoration .

Holy Week in Cangas 2018, acts and processions of Good Friday

Procession of the Paso de la Negación de San Pedro at 07:00 hours accompanied by the Cofrades Drums. Representation of the Denial of Saint Peter during the Procession.

Starting at 10:30 a.m., Procession of the Paso del Santo Encuentro , accompanied by the Cangas Fine Arts Music Band, the María Soliña Bagpipe Band and the Legio Berobreo Roman Brotherhood Association .

At 6:00 p.m., services in the parish church. Celebration of the Passion of the Lord , the Sermon of the Seven Words and the Descent of Jesus.

The Procession of the Paso del Santo Entierro will leave at 8:00 p.m. accompanied by the Cangas Fine Arts Music Band, the Tromentelo Bagpipe Band, the María Soliña Bagpipe and Percussion Band and the Legio Berobreo Roman Brotherhood Association.

At midnight, the procession of Silence, Os Caladiños procession. Procession only illuminated by the processional candles of the faithful and the floats.

Holy Week in Cangas 2018, acts of Saturday of Glory

Starting at 9:00 p.m. in the parish church, Easter Vigil in which the blessing of fire and water will take place. Blessing of the Paschal Candles .

Holy Week in Cangas 2018, events and procession on Easter Sunday

At 10:30 a.m. Procession of the Paso del Cristo Resucitado accompanied by the Tromentelo Bagpipe Band. The Parish Cross travels to the tomb to pick up the Risen Christ. Then they go in search of the Virgin Mary. Following Jesus' meeting with his Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary's mantle is changed. The black cloak is removed, the mourning cloak, for the white cloak, the cloak of Gloria.

After the act of the Meeting, the solemn mass will take place at 12:00.

The events of Holy Week in Cangas will culminate with the prayer of the rosary and the celebration of mass at 8:00 p.m.

  • Semana Santa Galicia
  • Semana Santa Pontevedra
  • Semana Santa Cangas

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