Brotherhood shop Brabander | online raffle
Holy Week is a very important time for everyone, but without a doubt, it has a special meaning for all those people who are part of a Brotherhood or Brotherhood.
The brotherhoods carry out a great work throughout the year, but it is during Holy Week when their activity becomes more intense: Preparing the Steps for the procession, fine-tuning the brotherhood clothing, conditioning the wax, etc…
In Cofrades Brabander Articles we are aware of the immense effort involved in the preparation and coordination of all the brother brothers for the Holy Week processions. We are also very aware of the importance of the Brotherhoods in the celebration of the death and resurrection of Christ. Without the great work of all the brothers, Holy Week would lose a very important part of its identity.
For this reason, we are going to launch a raffle in our online store that allows us to contribute our grain of sand to the brotherly celebration of Holy Week.
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