The Catholic Church celebrates the feast of three Holy Archangels on September 29th. On that feast day, Holy Mother Church celebrates the day of Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, and Saint Raphael. These three names of archangels and angels have great significance in Scripture and Christian tradition.
The archangels are celestial beings of great power and purity, chosen by God to deliver His messages to humanity. Saint Michael is known for his bravery in fighting against evil, Saint Gabriel for announcing the nativity of Jesus to Mary, and Saint Raphael for guiding Tobias on his journey.
Angels and archangels are models of faith, obedience, and service to God. Their unconditional commitment to the divine will inspires Catholics to live a life of holiness and dedication to their faith.
The term Archangel comes from the Greek Arch, which means chief, and angel, which means messenger of God.
Saint Gregory the Great teaches us that God uses archangels to deliver messages of great importance, while angels, who are of a lower rank than the archangels, handle messages of lesser significance.
There are seven archangels who stand before the presence of God. Although we know there are seven, only three of them are mentioned in Scripture: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.
The other four names are not officially recognized by the Church but appear in apocryphal texts.
Saint Michael means "Who is like God?".
The Archangel is one of the defenders of the Church against the powers of evil.
Saint Michael is mentioned in the Book of Daniel, the Letter of Jude, and the Book of Revelation.
The figures of Saint Michael represent him as a warrior with a breastplate and a sword.
The name Saint Gabriel means "Strength of God".
One of the missions carried out by Archangel Saint Gabriel was the Annunciation of the nativity of Jesus to the Virgin Mary, as can be read in the Book of Daniel and the Gospel of Luke.
Catholic figurines and images of Saint Gabriel are usually made depicting the saint in a white tunic and a lily flower, a symbol of purity.
The name Saint Raphael means "God heals".
The Saint is known for his role in the Book of Tobias, where he helps heal Tobit.
The Saint Raphael statue soften includes a fish in allusion to his intervention in the book of Tobit.
Angels and archangels have been important in the Catholic Church.
Their importance is reflected in many studies analyzing their connection with God and humans. Through Sacred Scripture and other studies, we know significant facts about angels.
Archangels and angels are the beings closest to humans within the hierarchy of angels. The Church follows the teachings of Dionysius the Areopagite, who organizes angels into three choirs. The third, where the archangels are found, is the closest to human needs.
Saint Thomas Aquinas classified angels into nine choirs, distributed in three hierarchies: the supreme (seraphim, cherubim, thrones), the middle (dominions, virtues, powers), and the lower (principalities, archangels, and angels).
The representations of angels and archangels have played a central role in the artistic works of humanity. There is an innumerable number of figures, paintings, and images of angels and archangels.
Artistic manifestations have taken different symbolisms to represent the virtues and qualities of these celestial beings. When talking about figures, images, or sculptures, one could group most of the works available for sale.
The most common angel figures are those that depict celestial beings as human figures with large white wings, dressed in long, radiant robes. These representations have been popular in Western culture, reflecting the purity and divinity associated with these divine entities.
Cherubim and Seraphim are specific types of angels mentioned in biblical tradition.
Cherubim are often depicted as small children with wings, but in biblical texts, they are also described with multiple faces and a more imposing appearance. On the other hand, Seraphim, known for having multiple wings, are associated with fire and light, representing a sphere closer to the presence of God.
Guardian angels are depicted in protective postures and often with symbolic objects such as swords or shields, symbolizing their role as defenders.
It is common for the figures to be accompanied by images of boys and girls. Custodian angels have traditionally been associated with childhood.
Angels with trumpets are figures that symbolize proclamations or important announcements, especially within biblical contexts. They are generally associated with good news.
The figures in which lyres and other similar instruments appear represent the harmony and peace that awaits in the world of Heaven.
The representations of angels and archangels have played a central role in the artistic works of humanity. There are numerous figures, paintings, and images of angels and archangels.
Artistic manifestations have taken different symbolisms to represent the virtues and qualities of these celestial beings. One could group most works for sale when discussing figures, images, or sculptures.
The most common angel figures depict celestial beings as human figures with large white wings dressed in long, radiant robes. These representations have been popular in Western culture, reflecting the purity and divinity associated with these divine entities.
Cherubim and Seraphim are specific types of angels mentioned in biblical tradition.
Cherubim are often depicted as small children with wings, but in biblical texts, they are also described with multiple faces and a more imposing appearance. On the other hand, Seraphim, known for having numerous wings, is associated with fire and light, representing a sphere closer to the presence of God.
Guardian angels are depicted in protective postures and often with symbolic objects such as swords or shields, symbolizing their role as defenders.
It is common for the figures to be accompanied by images of boys and girls. Custodian angels have traditionally been associated with childhood.
Angels with trumpets symbolize proclamations or important announcements, especially within biblical contexts. They are generally associated with good news.
The figures in which lyres and other similar instruments appear represent the harmony and peace that awaits in the world of Heaven.
Angels and Archangels (meaning important among Angels) are spiritual beings created by God to be his messengers. According to the Bible, there are seven Archangels who are in the presence of God. There are three Archangels named in Sacred Scripture: Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Raphael the Archangel and Gabriel the Archangel .
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