Bells, bells and chimes are very important religious goldsmith objects during the celebration of the Liturgy. This relevance is evident in any of the Eucharistic celebrations that take place during the Liturgical year (Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Corpus, etc...).
The main mission of the bells during the Mass is to serve as a guide to the assistants. Through the sounds of the campaigns, the faithful know when it is time to kneel, to get up, to sit, etc... The sound of the bells and chimes transmit messages to the assistants so that they can follow the Liturgy completely, no distractions.
For example, during the Consecration, when the wine and bread are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ, the faithful must kneel, the bell is rung so that all those present genuflect.
There is a wide variety of bells, bells and chimes that can be purchased: with wooden, metal or brass handles, with gold or silver plating, gold or silver finish, etc...
Sale of chimes, bells and bells for Churches | Bells and chimes for Mass | If you are looking for where to buy metal bells or liturgical bronze bells and chimes for your church, you have come to the right online store: small hand bells, wooden handle bells, etc...
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