Catholic Spanish Statues Outlet | Christian Art | Nativity Scene 50 cm

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Catholic Spanish Statues Outlet | Christian Art Discount | Nativity Scene 50 cm (19.69 in).
- Set of Nativity figures.
- Includes the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, Baby Jesus, and stable animals.
- Figures are 50 cm (19.69 in).
- Crafted in wood pulp using an artisanal process maintained since 1880.
- Hand-painted.
- Glass eyes.
- Metal halo with fine engravings.
- Other pieces available from the Catholic statuary outlet.
Catholic Statuary Outlet | Exhibition Figures for Sale
Artículos Religiosos Brabander and Christian Art have joined forces to create an outlet for handcrafted Catholic statues made by the workshops in Olot.
The goal of this store is the online sale of handcrafted Catholic figures at very low prices. The statues available in the outlet are unique pieces offered at clearance prices. Some figures are available at 50% of their original sale price.
This section was created to sell figures that were previously on display at the Museu del Sants in Olot at very low prices.
The museum, located in Olot, offers insight into the century-old industry of Catholic statue production in this Catalan town.
Museu del Sants in Olot
The Museu shares a building with the workshop of El Arte Cristiano, a company that began producing Catholic statues in Olot in 1880.
The Museu del Sants is divided into different sections, where visitors can discover the history of Olot statues.
Upon entering the museum building, visitors first encounter the reception area, information desk, and shop selling figures and souvenirs. This area serves as a small introduction to the other rooms that can be seen during the visit.
From the reception, visitors can access the audiovisual room, where a documentary delves into the origins and evolution of the Catholic statuary industry in Olot. It also introduces visitors to the popular artisanal production techniques of Olot, which have remained virtually unchanged over the last century, preserving the craftsmanship that has made the religious statues from Olot workshops a worldwide reference.
Painting and Decoration Process
After the projection, the next destination is the painting and decoration room. This area showcases two essential elements of the statue production process.
On one side, the painting, and decoration process of the figures after assembly, and on the other, the goldsmith pieces used to adorn the figures.
The painting and finishes of Spanish Handmade figures
The painting and finishing of Catholic statues is one of the last stages of the production process.
In this stage, after polishing the figures, artisans paint and decorate them. Using oil paints, workshop workers paint the skin, faces (eyebrows, eyelashes, lips, etc.), and clothing of the figures.
Historical catalogs document the colors to be applied to each statue. However, shades can be adjusted to meet buyers’ demands. As a completely artisanal process, the painting can be personalized according to customer preferences.
The painting process includes several levels of finishing, which correspond to different price points. There is a basic finish, the economic finish, which is the cheapest option, with clothing painted by hand in solid tones and borders adorned with glitter. The pedestals are single-colored, and the metal accessories are simple—ideal for those prioritizing price. But there are also much more elaborate finishes, such as the extra finish, which includes a base of gold leaf, a polychrome process, and polishing for added shine.
Figure ornamentation: Goldsmith work in Catholic statues
Most Catholic statues of the Christian tradition have a series of attributes that make them recognizable to the faithful. The religious tradition uses these symbols to help believers quickly understand the features associated with a particular statue.
Among the various attributes used, one of the most common is halos, usually golden. Halos or aureoles symbolize holiness. In this way, most Saints are depicted with golden halos.
Another common attribute is crowns and rays for statues of the Virgin Mary. Statues of Our Holy Mother often wear crowns as a symbol of Mary being the queen of heaven and earth.
These ornamental elements, in the Olot Catholic statuary tradition, are made of gilded metal. This feature gives the statues an aura of nobility and solemnity.
Depending on the type of finish selected by the buyer, the goldsmith elements have a specific size and level of detail. The higher-priced finishes include much more complex and detailed pieces.
The Original Models
The next stop on the tour is the original models room. This section features clay pieces created by sculptors. These clay pieces are the original models used to create silicone molds and counter-molds.
The mold and counter-mold are the tools used to create the wood-pulp figure.
The original clay models are highly valuable Catholic statues. Many were created by prominent Spanish sculptors from the late 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Renowned artists like Miquel Blay, Josep Clarà, and Joaquim Claret are among the creators of these sculptural works.
The number of original models has steadily increased over the past century of history at El Arte Cristiano to meet buyers' desires and preferences.
Molding and Retouching Room
Wood pulp is a material made from a special mixture of resins and adhesives. When an order is placed at the factory, the corresponding molds are selected and then filled with freshly prepared wood pulp.
The molding and retouching room is a very special area of the museum. In this space, visitors can observe artisans at work through windows overlooking the workshop. This stage involves filling the molds with wood pulp and, later, making retouches.
Molding involves selecting, preparing, and filling the appropriate molds with wood pulp. Once the molds are filled, the pulp is left to set to the desired consistency before extracting the figure. After the statue is removed, it moves to the next stage: retouching.
Retouching includes all tasks performed on a piece from the time it leaves the mold until it is sent to the painting and finishing section. Retouching includes adding parts molded separately from the main structure, such as hands or wings, polishing and sanding, placing the eyes into the head, etc.
Exhibition and Training Zone
The museum also features multipurpose areas for exhibitions and training activities.
In these areas, Catholic and other types of statues made by Olot workshop artisans are displayed. Visitors can see Nativity scenes, figures of Our Lady, anatomical images, large figurines, etc.