Pontifical scented incense in grain | Holy Week Incense

Pontifical scented incense in grain | Holy Week Incense
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Ref: 144BE16150PO


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(0.150 Kg.)

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Pontifical scented incense in grain | Holy Week Incense

  • Holy Week incense for Catholic Mass, Easter brotherhood and domestic use.
  • Pontifical smell, soft and pleasant aroma.
  • For sale in packages of 150 gr.
  • Each box includes an outer layer of cardboard and an inner layer of plastic.
  • 14 x 7,5 x 5 cm. box.
  • Also available other grain Holy Week incense.

Incense for Holy Week

The use of incense in the Catholic Church is of great importance. It is commonly used in Holy Week processions.

Incense, in general, symbolizes the prayers and petitions that priests, brotherhood members, and the faithful raise towards God.

Furthermore, incense is associated with the purification of the liturgical space and of the people present, as well as to highlight the importance of certain elements like the Blessed Sacrament.

Incense helps to create a conducive atmosphere for experiencing the closeness of God during the processions of Brotherhoods and Guilds celebrated in Holy Week. The smoke and aroma generate an atmosphere conducive to living the moments being commemorated: the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Christ.

The use of incense during processions and religious events of the Catholic Easter is a mix between religious beliefs, tradition, and local customs. The censers serve as a bridge of connection between the faith of the participants and Heaven, recalling with their smell and smoke the beliefs of early Christians.

Incense in the Holy Week of Seville (Spain)

Incense plays a principal role in most of the Easter celebrations. The city of Seville is one of the localities with a longer history linked to Holy Week.

The brotherhoods and guilds of Seville have many years of history. Some of them have thousands of brotherhood members who process during the days of Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, etc.

The use of incense marks the solemnity of the events that commemorate the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The aroma and smoke of the incense, the processional marches, and the sight of the floats and Catholic figurines, create an immersive and emotional experience for the Easter brotherhood members and spectators. Deepening the connection with the divine and recalling the events that occurred in the life of Christ.

The many years of incense use have led the brotherhoods to develop their own aroma blends. Thus creating better incenses and contributing, in this way, to the identity and uniqueness of their processions.