Religious Art | Paintings & Catholic Icons Catholic figures The Holy Family

Religious Art | Paintings & Catholic Icons Catholic figures The Holy Family

Religious paintings for sale | Paintings with religious images | Religious icons | byzantine icons

Religious paintings for sale | Paintings with religious images | Pictures with the image of the Virgin Mary, pictures with the image of Christ, religious pictures with the Holy Family, pictures of the Divine Mercy, religious pictures for Christmas, religious pictures for Easter, etc...

Reproductions of famous religious paintings, ancient religious paintings and modern religious paintings, to give as gifts, to decorate your home or parish.

Byzantine religious icons and paintings

Religious icons of Byzantine origin have become very popular throughout history. They are known throughout the world for their simple beauty and profound invitation to seek God. One of the most admired is the Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (also known as the Icon of Perpetual Help or Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help).

The history of Byzantine Art and, consequently, of the Byzantine Empire (or Eastern Roman Empire) could not be understood without its capital, Byzantium (later known as Constantinople, and currently Istanbul). Since its re-foundation in the year 330 at the hands of Emperor Constantine, this city has been the venue for numerous Church Councils, the cradle of important Saints and a bastion of Christianity until the 15th century. During this time what is known as Byzantine Art develops spectacularly. It is worth noting the importance that Russia had, as a result of its evangelization in the 10th century, in this process.

The development of Byzantine religious icons and paintings had a spectacular development during this time. There are numerous proofs of the beautiful religious articles that the Byzantine School created throughout the centuries.

It is in the year 1453 when the city falls into the hands of the Ottoman Turks. With this event the artists, fundamentally Christian monks, flee to Serbia, Bulgaria, Crete, etc…

The fall of the Byzantine Empire caused the emigration to the west of the majority of Christian monks. One of the places where they were best received was on the Mediterranean island of Crete. It is on this island that an evolution of the Byzantine style takes place during the 15th and 17th centuries. The new style is characterized by a mixture of the Latin tradition, with an important development in religious imagery, and the Byzantine tradition, centered on icons and painting before the Orthodox Church prohibited carved images. The Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is part of the productions of the Cretan School. It is estimated that its creation was between the 10th and 15th centuries.

Religious paintings for sale | Paintings with religious images | Religious icons | byzantine icons

Religious pictures and icons have been one of the most used religious articles in our homes and parishes. Throughout the history of the Catholic Church, religious pictures and icons have been used to represent scenes from the life of Jesus, the miracles and works of the Virgin Mary, the acts of the Saints, etc...
