Holy Water Holder | Holy Water Font

Holy Water Holder | Holy Water Font

The holy water, also known as holy water, blessed font or holy water font , is a container in which the Holy Water is placed once it has been blessed by the priest.

In general, the batteries for Holy Water are usually located at the entrance of the Churches. In this way the faithful can cross themselves when they enter the temple. It is also customary in many places to place the benditeras in a person's private home.

The holy batteries can be made of many materials. Especially popular are silver Holy Water fonts, ceramic shrines and metal shrines.

The holy water holders, in addition to the pile where the water is deposited, are decorated with different religious motifs. You can buy blessed boxes decorated with Angels, with Crucifixes, etc...

Blessed | Holy Water Fonts | Holy Water

Sale of shrines for Holy Water. If you want to buy a benditera or you want to know the price of a benditera, in this category you will find our catalog of silver benditeras, bronze benditeras, metal benditeras, etc...
