Miraculous Virgin | Virgin Mary of the Miraculous Medal

Miraculous Virgin | Virgin Mary of the Miraculous Medal
Miraculous Virgin | Virgin Mary of the Miraculous Medal
Miraculous Virgin | Virgin Mary of the Miraculous Medal, Img
Miraculous Virgin | Virgin Mary of the Miraculous Medal
Miraculous Virgin | Virgin Mary of the Miraculous Medal, Img 1
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Ref: 2FR60


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Religious product available on request . Shipping time is approximately 6-10 weeks. For more information about this product, contact to Brabander catholic products.

Miraculous Virgin | Virgin Mary of the Miraculous Medal

  • Catholic statue with glass eyes.
  • Made of wood paste.
  • Available in 15 cm (5.9 in), 20 cm (7.9 in), 30 cm (11.8 in), 40 cm (15.7 in), 50 cm (19.7 in), 60 cm (23.6 in) and 80 cm (31.5 in).
  • Includes brass rays and halo.
  • Base with a snake.
  • Virgin figure made through handmade processes.
  • Hand-decorated with oil paint.

Origin of the devotion to the Virgin of the Miraculous Medal

The Miraculous Virgin, also known as the Virgin of the Miraculous Medal, is a Marian devotion much loved and venerated by Catholics around the world. This devotion is known as Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal due to the appearance of Our Holy Mother to Saint Catherine Labouré in 1830.

On the night of July 18, 1930, Sister Catherine was deeply asleep. While having a peaceful dream, she felt someone calling her.

She woke up and discovered that next to her bed was a child with a beautiful face. The child told her to follow him and that the Virgin awaited her in the chapel. Sister Catherine followed him, and when she arrived at the place, she saw a beautiful woman.

Realizing that it was the Mother of God, she knelt. The Virgin spoke to her about the mission that the Lord had chosen for her, gave her advice to improve her spiritual life, and announced a series of misfortunes that would happen in France.

The Miraculous Virgin Medal

On November 27, 1830, the Virgin appeared again to Sister Catherine. Our Lady wore a white dress, a blue tunic, and a white cloth on her head. She had a blue orb under her feet and was crushing a snake.

The Virgin Mary had her hands extended. On her fingers were rings with precious stones, from which light rays emanated. Holy Mary told the nun that these rays represented the graces that all those who had faith and believed in her would receive.

Then a medal-shaped silhouette began to form. The Virgin asked her to make known all the teachings she had heard. To do this, she had to mint a medal with the following characteristics:

  • Front of the Miraculous Medal

- Figure of the Virgin on an orb stepping on the head of the snake. The orb represents the earthly world and the kingdom of Heaven. The snake represents Satan, the sin of the world, by the gesture of stepping on the reptile, Holy Mary demonstrates her power against evil.

- The figure of Our Holy Mother must be represented with a white dress, blue mantle, and a white cloth on her head.

- Twelve shining stars adorning her head, as described in the book of Revelation.

- Extended hands, transmitting abundant rays of grace. Sign of her mission as mother and mediator of the graces she generously pours out on the world and to all who ask her with faith.

-The ejaculatory prayer is the principle of the Immaculate Conception, which was adopted in the first instance before the dogmatic definition of 1854.

  • Reverse of the Miraculous Medal

- The cross and the Greek letter "Iota" or "I", which is a monogram of the name "Jesus".

- The letter M is a Mary symbol.

-The twelve stars are a clear sign of the Church that Christ founded on the apostles, and that is born on Calvary, from the pierced heart of his Son.

-The two hearts, the Sacred Heart of Jesus (a heart with a crown of thorns) and the Sacred Heart of Mary (heart pierced by a dagger) represent joint redemption. The need for men and women to seek spiritual salvation through Mary and Jesus.

Prayer to the Miraculous Medal: The Novena

The novena to the Miraculous Medal is a nine-day devotion in which the faithful pray for a specific intention, trusting in the intercession of the Virgin Mary.

During these days, the faithful pray the prayer to the Miraculous Medal and meditate on the graces they ask of the Virgin.

The novena can be performed at any time, but many Catholics pray it, especially in the days leading up to the feast of the Miraculous Medal, which is celebrated on November 27.

The format of the prayer that is prayed during each of the nine days of the novena may vary.

Generally, what is usually done in the novena of the Miraculous Medal is to make a small preparatory prayer to prepare the body and spirit for prayer.

Once the first prayer is made, reflect on some aspect of the message that the Virgin left us through Saint Catherine.

Finally, make a final prayer, which serves as a closure and thanksgiving to the Holy Mother for the graces received.