Gluten-free wafers for Communion | Celiac Hosts

Gluten-free wafers for Communion | Celiac Hosts
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Wafers for Communion gluten-free | Celiacs Hosts

  • Special wafers for celiacs.
  • Presented in bags of 25 gluten-free wafers.
  • Wafers with a diameter of 35 mm.
  • 1mm of thickness.
  • Hosts for celiacs manufactured with only two components:
    • Low gluten wheat starch, Cerestar wheat starch (Triticum spp).
    • Natural water

Sacred Hosts for the Communion of celiac people

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith , first through the "Circular Letter to the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences on the use of bread with a low amount of gluten and must as Eucharistic matter " of June 19, 1995, and in second instance of the "Circular Letter to the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences on the use of bread with a low amount of gluten and must as Eucharistic matter" of July 24, 2003 establishes in a clear and concise manner the norms that determine the use of forms for celiacs.

The Eucharist, by its intrinsic nature, must be performed with bread and wine.

Bread is by definition that food that uses wheat flour as its main ingredient. That is to say, that an essential part of the Sacred Form is wheat flour.

For this reason, wafers or Hosts made from materials other than wheat flour, such as rice flour Hosts or corn flour wafers, will not be valid for your Consecration.

Hosts made of wheat flour that have been manipulated to completely eliminate gluten are not valid for the Eucharist either. Gluten is a structural element of wheat flour, therefore, gluten is an essential element of the ways to take communion.

In summary, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith affirms that Hosts and wafers in which "the quantity of gluten sufficient to obtain the baking remains , if no foreign matter has been added and if the procedure used for its confection does not denature the bread substance”.

Gluten-free Hosts and wafers

The information provided by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is of great value when preparing gluten-free Hosts.

In this manufacturing process, it is necessary to seek the elaboration of Hosts that may contain the minimum amount of gluten for communion during the celebration of the Eucharist and, in addition, that do not exceed the gluten tolerance thresholds of celiac people.

It is in this space where we find what are known as wafers for celiacs or gluten-free Hosts.

They are known as gluten-free Hosts or wafers, but this statement is not in the strict sense of the term, but because they meet the condition that has been established internationally as a barrier to the Hosts that celiacs can take without suffering any problems. Wafers or Hoststo consecrate with gluten below 20 ppm (less than 20 parts per million). That is, 20 milligrams of gluten per 1 kilogram.

Important international organizations support this limit as the amount of gluten that people with celiac disease can consume without suffering any type of problem:

  • FACE (Federation of Celiac Associations of Spain), considered as gluten-free Hosts, Hostsespecially recommended for celiac people, wafers or Hosts to consecrate with gluten below 20 ppm (less than 20 parts per million).
  • USFDA (United States Food and Drugs Administration). The Food and Drug Administration of the United States considers Gluten Free Hosts (wafers or Hosts free of gluten) , therefore recommended Hosts for people with celiac disease, wafers or Hosts to consecrate with gluten below 20 ppm (less than 20 parts per million).
  • The Codex Alimentarius, or Food Code in Spanish , established by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and the World Health Organization in 1963 to develop harmonized international food standards. The Codex Alimentarius speaks of gluten-free Hosts of Communion such as those Hosts or wafers prepared only with ingredients that do not contain prolamins from wheat or all ... whose gluten content is not greater than 20 ppm.

Gluten-free Hosts and wafers, manufacturing

Gluten-free Hosts and wafers are manufactured following European standards.

The Hosts for celiacs are made in factories totally independent of the factories that make the other Wafers to consecrate. All processes are monitored to prevent any type of contamination from occurring.

Once the manufacturing process is finished, the gluten-free Hosts, Hosts with less than 20 ppm of gluten, are hermetically bagged so that they do not come into contact with any agent that may be harmful to a celiac person.

Communion for celiacs, gluten-free Hosts

In Religious Articles Brabander we always try to be in line with the latest religious and social trends. We are especially concerned with selling products that are respectful of the health and well-being of buyers.

This is the case of the gluten-free Sacred Hosts , especially recommended for the Communion of celiac people. These types of Hosts are specially manufactured so that people with celiac disease , also known as celiac disease , can fully participate in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

The main problem of celiac people is consuming foods with gluten. In the case of the gluten-free Sagradas Formas, this aspect is fully guaranteed. There is no risk for celiacs due to the very low level of gluten in the wafers.

Perhaps second of the things that celiac sufferers should be most concerned about is what is known as cross-contamination . In other words, products with gluten come into contact with other gluten-free items directly or through other means (knives, goblets, goblets, per diem holders, etc…). Special care must be taken with cross-contamination with celiac children and people with celiac disease.

The First Communion of celiac boys and girls

The First Communion is one of the most important moments for any person. The first time we receive the Eucharist, that we receive the Body and Blood of Christ, is a fundamental moment in the life of any Christian.

First Communion is an emotional day for both children and their parents. In the case of children suffering from celiac disease, who cannot take Wafers with gluten, they can enjoy a wonderful First Communion in a very simple way: buying Sacred Hosts without gluten and paying attention to details during the Liturgy.

Among the recommendations that the Church establishes to celebrate the First Communion of celiac boys and girls are the following:

  • Make sure you have enough gluten-free Sacred Hosts available. It is important that parents collaborate with the priest to avoid problems with the number of wafers. It is recommended that parents, in the event that their son or daughter is going to make their First Communion with other boys and girls, contact the other parents to find out if there are more celiacs, and in this way, establish the number of Gluten-Free Hosts needed . It is recommended to be proactive in this aspect and plan the purchase of gluten-free Hosts in advance. If you have a son or daughter with celiac disease, and you have not been able to buy the Gluten-Free Hosts, contact Religious Articles Brabander and we will make a shipment with urgent delivery 24 hours.
  • Use a different per diem bag to carry the Wafers with gluten and the Hosts without gluten. By transporting the wafers in different per diem carriers, cross-contamination is avoided.
  • Use different goblets and patens for Wafers with gluten and Wafers without gluten. At the time of the Eucharist, the Hosts without gluten could easily be contaminated.
  • Avoid dividing the Sacred Hosts over the chalice with the consecrating wine . The fragments that break off at the moment the Hosts are broken could contaminate the chalice and the wine.
  • Use different altar sets to clean the sacred vessels used for Gluten Hosts and Gluten Free Wafers .
  • Try to give the Communion first to celiac boys and girls.
  • The priest must wash his hands before touching any item likely to contaminate the Gluten Free Wafers .

These preventive guidelines are also recommended when giving Communion to any faithful celiac. In order for the priest to take these prevention measures, it is necessary for celiac people to notify him sufficiently in advance to make the pertinent preparations.

If desired, the Church also allows communion under a kind , communion only with wine, with the Blood of Christ.

Communion at home for people with celiac disease

The main function of the porta viaticums is to serve as a container to transport the Sacred Hosts. There are different moments in which a minister of the Church has to transport the Sacred Hosts , one of them is to give Communion to sick people who cannot attend Mass.

If it is known that one of these people is celiac, the priest must carry the Wafers without gluten and the Wafers with gluten in separate per diem holders. You must also keep in mind all the recommendations that are established for the Communion to avoid cross contamination .

Hosts for celiacs and celiacs in Spain, more information


  • Diocese of Madrid. Notice about gluten-free Hosts
  • Diocese of the Canary Islands. Eucharist for celiacs, criteria for communion.
  • Infovatican. Communion for celiac patients.
  • Archbishop of Mérida-Badajoz. Holy Communion under the kind of bread with a minimum amount of gluten.ón-Cristiana.pdf

  • Archidiosis of Seville. Guidance on the Communion of the celiac faithful
  • Zenit. Rules for the Communion of celiacs.
  • Archbishopric of Burgos. Communion of celiacs.
  • Diocese of Cartagena. The Communion of the celiac faithful.
  • Priestly life. The Eucharistic Communion for celiac patients.
  • Diocese of Teruel. The Communion of celiacs.