Wall Crucifixes Crosses

Wall Crucifixes Crosses

Hanging Crucifixes and Crosses

Buying and placing a Crucifix or Cross on any of the walls of our house, or in our parishes, is a gesture with which we celebrate the importance of the Cross and Crucifixes as well as the figure of Christ.

There are a wide variety of Crucifixes that can be purchased: Metal, resin, plastic crosses ... Wooden crosses without the figure of Christ or with the figure of the crucified Christ. Gold or silver plated metal or bronze crosses. Large crucifixes for churches and small crosses for the home. Plain crucifixes, carved, enameled, in natural olive wood, ... Pieces of religious silverware in classic, modern, Baroque, Byzantine style ...

The Cross was the instrument through which Jesus gave his life for the forgiveness of sins. For this reason, for centuries, it has been the most identifying symbol of the Christian faith. The Cross and the Crucifixes, in any of their different types (Cruz de Tau, Cruz Maltesa, Cruz Latina, Cruz de San Andrés, Cruz de Santiago, Cruz de Jerusalem, Greek Cross, Celtic Cross, Cruz de San Pedro, etc ... ), have been the most representative symbol of the millions of Christians over more than twenty centuries.

Christ suffered countless sufferings while carrying the Cross on his shoulders on the Way of the Cross. In the same way, he suffered the great pain of the Crucifixion to open the doors of eternal life to all Christians.

Crucifixes and Wall Crosses | Online sale of Catholic Crosses

Crucifixes and Wall Crosses, like Crucifixes and Table Crosses, are fundamental elements within the symbolism of the Holy Catholic Church.
