The Cross of Christ is one of the most universally recognized symbols. The religious images of Christ on the Cross are recognizable by anyone in the world. Both Christians and those who do not profess the true faith recognize the Cross as a symbol of Christ, a symbol of the love of Our Father Jesus for all humanity.
Christ sacrificed himself for all of us . He endured the hatred, envy and mockery of men. He carried the Cross painfully, feeling its weight on his shoulders. He carried his heavy load to Mount Golgotá where he was crucified. Christ underwent the torment of the Crucifixion and finally died on the Cross to defeat death. After all his suffering he rose from the dead to give us eternal life.
As history tells us, it was not until the third century that making the sign of the Cross was definitively extended to avoid the temptations of the devil. As we know this fact we owe it to San Antonio Abad, the illustrious father of Monasticism. San Antonio Abad spent a large part of his life in the desert, leading a hermit life. During this stage the devil tempted him with all kinds of things. The faith of San Antonio Abad was strong, unshakable. The devil tried by all means to break his faith and did not stop tempting him. One day, when the Saint was enduring the malicious presence of the devil, Saint Anthony the Abbot thought of making the sign of the Cross. With this gesture Saint Anthony the Abbot showed the devil the presence of Jesus. At that moment the devil fled in terror. The Cross, from that moment on, was the shield of San Antonio Abad against the devil. The Saint during his many years of evangelization showed his disciples the power of the Holy Cross.
On September 17 we commemorate the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross . This festival has its origin in an event of great importance in the year 628.
On September 17, 628, Emperor Heraclius recovered the Holy Cross that had been stolen by the Persians 14 years earlier.
To celebrate this fact, Emperor Heraclius decides to imitate Our Lord Jesus Christ carrying the Holy Cross in procession. For such a great event, Emperor Heraclius dresses in his best clothes. She adorned herself with royal robes and jewels, with the symbols of the emperor. He tried to walk with her doing his particular Way of the Cross. The emperor wanted to take the first step but his feet did not obey him, he was unable to move forward.
At his side was Zacharias, Bishop of Jerusalem. Zechariah told the emperor that if he wanted to imitate Jesus, he should imitate him in everything, he should take off his royal clothes and adopt the clothes of a servant.
Emperor Heraclius, realizing that everything Zacharias said was true, supported the Holy Cross and stripped off all his royal clothes, keeping only a humble white alb. Again he took the Holy Cross, and on this occasion he was able to advance without problems to the joy of all those present.
After this day, it was decided to distribute the Holy Cross among various churches and monasteries around the world to prevent its theft.
Our Father Jesus Nazarene with the Cross.
Images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Jesus on the Cross figurines for sale
Carvings of recumbent Christ.
Images of the risen Christ for Easter Sunday.
Images of Christ and various types of Cross. Figures of Our Father Jesus the Nazarene with the Cross or images of Jesus on the Cross, through carvings of the recumbent Christ, to images of the risen Christ for Easter Sunday.
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